Want to learn English solo?

In an increasingly connected world, speaking English has become essential. If you want to learn English at your own pace, our school is the perfect solution! Forget traditional, inflexible courses that don't fit in with your schedule. Here you can learn independently and flexibly, with teachers available whenever and wherever you want.

Is it possible to learn English solo?

Yes! Many people still believe that fluency in English can only be achieved in traditional classrooms, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

With our online English school, you'll discover that it's entirely possible to study on your own by following the right steps, with the help of quality teaching material and expert teachers.

Find out how we can get you there!

Our classes will teach you everything from grammar and spelling to specific vocabulary for different situations. And with our methodology and interactive resources, you'll study English with real-life scenarios, in simulations of everyday moments.

Develop your confidence, improve your communication skills, and immerse yourself in dynamic and efficient learning with us.

Everything you need to learn English solo, at your fingertips!

Unlimited interactive classes 24/7

There are 16 levels of English packed with engaging content and interactive features, with exercises  on the verb "to be",  "phrasal verbs" and much more.

Improve your English with real conversations

Access 45 minutes of group classes every day with learners of different nationalities and gain confidence to communicate in English.

Live teachers, wherever you are

Our certified  Efekta Teachers™ will guide you through personalized 40-minute classes, with a timetable and content aligned to your needs.

You can count on our study plan to organize your learning process

1. Find out your level of English

For a well-structured learning experience, our courses are divided into levels, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). And your first task is to take a test to find out which one you fit into!

2. Tell us about your routine

It's common for learners to slow down their study sessions on busy days. That's why we want to understand your goals and the time you have available to study, so we can create a personalized schedule that fits into your life.

3. Unlock your study plan

With this information, our AI will calculate the ideal study plan for you, which will be available to indicate the next task whenever you need it. Simply access the school's home screen to find out which class you need to do next.

4. Start studying

Now that you have your study plan in hand, it's time to start learning English solo for real! But don't worry, you can redo your study plan as many times as you need to so that it always fits in with your routine.

Complete learning so you can speak English with confidence

Learning English means knowing how to communicate in both the written and spoken language. That's why our English courses take a practical approach, focusing on developing your skills in four pillars:


Expand your vocabulary and learn to read everything from work reports to books by your favorite author.


Go beyond the basics and master the grammar to write CVs, emails, and presentations in English.


Keep your hearing sharp for meetings and conversations with people from different countries and with different accents.


Have a full repertoire of vocabulary and grammar to express yourself confidently and be understood by everyone around you.

A method perfected since 1965

More than 20 million learners have already learned English with our Efekta Method™. As part of the EF English Live group, we have a constantly evolving method that has been teaching English since 1965. And we're confident that with the help of our interactive classes and certified teachers, you'll make your dream of speaking English with confidence come true!

Receive an international certificate at the end of each level

When you successfully complete each of our 16 levels, you will receive a certificate indicating that you have mastered that module. Certificates can even be shared on LinkedIn, perfect for those who need to prove their knowledge to change jobs or start a new career.

Just in case you missed something...

Here are some frequently asked questions about learning English solo.

In addition to an English course that allows personalized study, to learn English solo you need to be disciplined and focused on your studies to achieve your goals. Here are four tips to help you get there!

Tip 1: Have a study routine

Routine is everything for anyone who wants to start studying new languages. Most learners start excited but slow down as time goes by. That's why creating a study routine that fits in with your day-to-day life is important. The focus is not so much on the amount of time you spend doing your exercises and classes each day, but on how often you do them during the week. Of course, those who have more time per day will progress faster, but the important thing here is consistency.

Tip 2: Change your phone's language to English

This is a golden tip for anyone who can't keep their hands off their cell phone. By changing the language of the devices and applications you use, you expand your vocabulary and become familiar with English in your daily life, while browsing social networks or doing other tasks.

Tip 3: Watch movies and TV series with subtitles

Learning English often means leaving your comfort zone. And that includes one of the most frequently listed tips on the internet (the one we endorse the most): watching movies and TV series in English. Yes, it can be tiring at first, but believe us, consuming content in the original language will transform your English, especially if you're already at an intermediate level and struggling to advance. The first step is to start watching with your native language subtitles then, as you get more comfortable, try switching to English subtitles until you can turn them off completely!

Tip 4: Bring English into your everyday life

Another tip that will change your routine but is essential for anyone who wants to get ahead in their studies. Try using English for simple activities, such as making your daily to-do list. By using the language in everyday situations, you become even more involved in the language and improve your fluency more naturally.

Remember that here at EF English Live we offer online English courses with resources and teaching materials , accessible on smartphones, tablets, or computers. Our timetables are also flexible, with teachers online 24 hours a day, allowing you to easily fit our school into your schedule. You can enjoy your study time from anywhere, anytime.

There is no magic formula! The speed at which you learn English depends on two important things: your current level and your skill at learning languages. But there are a few things you can do to make the process a little more dynamic.

Don't be so dependent on the dictionary: It's common for learners to turn to dictionaries and the Internet to understand words in English, but this can slow down your reading and leave you feeling insecure about reading without a dictionary by your side. We teach our learners that it's interesting to try to understand the meaning of words from the context. Although it may seem challenging at first (especially for beginners), with time it becomes more natural (you certainly do it in your native language too).

Understanding grammar is fundamental: Understanding the grammar rules of the English language is an essential step towards developing your reading and writing skills. Learners at a basic level may face difficulties in the future if they don't learn how the English language is structured first. It is important that you become comfortable with the way things work in the language before moving on to the next stages.

Explore music, movies, and TV series in English: Studying your favorite English songs is an excellent way to practice listening. You can follow the lyrics if you're not sure about certain words and even explore artists of different styles and different accents, guaranteeing fun while you learn! Watching movies and series in English follows the same logic.

Use podcasts and YouTube videos to practice: How about practicing listening in less-than-ideal conditions? While films, TV series, and music offer quality audio, YouTube videos, and podcasts in English don't always have the clearest or simplest audio, providing an extra exercise for learners. Look for programs on topics that interest you and make an effort to understand as much of the content as possible.

Practice with English speakers: How about organizing a special day with friends interested in practicing the language, where you commit to speaking exclusively in English? The tip here is to use different ways of communicating to practice, whether on the phone, via chat, or even live. It's an opportunity to improve your conversation skills with the support of people you know and share common interests with.

After passing the basic and intermediate levels, conversational English becomes a common challenge for those learning the language on their own. Although learners already feel confident reading a complex text and have good listening comprehension, many don't feel comfortable speaking. Here are three essential tips for overcoming this obstacle!

  1. Talk to yourself in English

Improving your English conversation skills takes practice. However, many learners are afraid of making mistakes and feel embarrassed when speaking. One way to overcome this is to talk to yourself when you're alone at home. By talking out loud about your day, future plans, or something you watched, you not only practice your pronunciation but also your line of thought (the famous "thinking in English").

2. Practice pronouncing the words that seem most difficult

Some phonemes can be more challenging, as the pronunciation rules are quite different. However, practice and constant exposure to the language are essential. Don't know how to pronounce a certain word correctly? You can use virtual dictionaries or, if you're one of our learners, you can book an online English class with one of our certified teachers to practice the ones you find most difficult.

3. Don't worry about your accent

Many advanced English learners worry about speaking without sounding like they have an accent. But that's practically impossible, and it's okay! Having an accent is perfectly normal and won't be an obstacle to communicating with native speakers in the future. Just like in your native language, accents are part of linguistic diversity and should be respected.